Saturday, January 26, 2013

Winter wedding decor

There is something about winter weddings that just touches me. The way the snow and the wedding dress sort of blends into one sparkling piece of white beauty, with the bride's red smile in perfect contrast.

Are you thinking about having a winter wedding? (somewhere snowy, that is...). Then how about making some of these? Gorgeous, easy to make and (almost) free :)

What you need:
  • Balloons
  • Water
  • … and that's about it.

Oh, and you need it to be cold outside.

How to make them:
You simply fill a balloon with water. If you want the top to be flat, you blow in a little airboble before tying it. If you want it round at the top just make a knot and forget about the airboble.

Now you just put it outside for some hours. The amount of time for the edges to freeze depends on both the temperature outside, and the amount of water in the balloon, so it's not possible for me to give an exact time frame. Just make more than you'll be needing, and try them one by one.

Once you've gotten the walls as thick as you want them it's time to remove the balloon. Just use a knife, maybe with some warm water if really frozen, and it will come of easy.

Now you need to make the hole. I find it easiest to gently hit the top with a hammer. Use warm water if the wall is too thick. Then use som more hot water to smoothen the edge (careful not to melt the walls).

And voilá! You're done!
(If you find my instructions to be unclear, then just ask me about it.)

Remember, you can make these days before the wedding, as long as you have a freezer or similar to store them in.

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