Thursday, January 24, 2013

So, you've finally gotten the proposal you've secretely been waiting for. You're finally able to introduce him as "my fiancé". You've told  your friends and family, and they are so happy for you!

 But somewhere along the way, their excitement starts turning into questions. Still excited, but you're starting to feel a little preassured. The "who, what, where" are attacking you from all over. You know what I'm talking about, right? In the beginning you love the attention you're being given, you want to share your newborn happiness with the entire world! …but at a certain point you begin to stress.

 "Who should be my maid of honor, my bridesmaids, the minister? Who should give speaches? What budget can we afford, what kind of wedding should it be? Where do we want to have our ceremony? The reception? Do we need to have a rehersal diner?"

It is impossible for me to advice upon all your questions in a single blog post (sadly, right? :) ). So for now I just want to share some inspirational pictures. It's a nice place to start.

 (If you want your "who, what, where"s answered, you could check out this page )

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